Outline: Go to market approach for a Web3 data marketplace

Outline: Go to market approach for a Web3 data marketplace

Below we outline a go to market approach for a Web3 data marketplace to help support the continued growth of Ocean Protocol within the Web3 data space.

It will be built using the tools provided by Ocean Protocol and builds upon work done already through the Ocean DAO via Ocean Missions, Data Whale, DataUnion, MGH DAO and others.

The need for a new Marketplace

When reaching out to potential data buyers and suppliers it became clear the Ocean Ecosystem needs a dedicated marketplace focussed on facilitating the buying and selling of Web3 data assets.

Ocean Missions currently does a good job of attracting those looking to build Web3 data assets but is less oriented towards those looking to buy data assets.

Introducing Web3Access.org a marketplace for Web3 data

Web3Access.org is a data marketplace we hope will become the focal point for buying and selling Web3 data assets. We want to decentralise this marketplace over time so the entire Web3 ecosystem can continue to benefit from it.

How to solve for Supply

We have identified two ways of obtaining the Web3 data assets needed to help establish the initial supply for this data marketplace.

Through Ocean Missions we have been creating data assets focussed on on-chain data and will continue building more. These data assets will be published on the Web3Access.org marketplace.

The second way we identified is by going direct to those already selling Web3 data in various forms. Over the last few weeks we have been speaking with potential suppliers like:

By partnering with projects like this and tokenising access to their data assets with Ocean Protocol we believe we can on-board a number of valuable data sources to Web3Access.org

How to solve for Demand

By positioning the marketplace towards Web3 data it allows us to experiment within the broader ecosystem to find where the demand for a Web3 data marketplace exists.

We would not only sell existing data assets that we can on-board but provide buyers with the ability to acquire bespoke data assets too. We know that a large part of the market is looking to buy specific data assets for their bespoke use cases. By allowing data buyers to request this through Web3Access.org we can start to build a better idea of the data assets that have demand. 

The fulfillment of these orders can be processed through the Ocean Missions ecosystem which has already successfully fulfilled bespoke orders for paying customers.

Next Steps 

  • Business development – begin recruiting existing data assets to join the new marketplace when it launches.
  • Continue creating new data assets from within the Ocean Missions ecosystem.
  • Leverage the marketplace to attract buyers of bespoke data assets to help identify market demand.
  • On-board the development team to build the marketplace (likely after Ocean Market V4 launches).